Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Scrap the Fat

IndyNia on 2peas website has started a wonderful thread! It's for people who want to loose weight and want to scrap their progress. I jumped on. The first time I got a kick in the pants was when I got up to 180 pounds. I remember when I was little that my mom stepped on the scale one day and I heard her in the kitchen say, none too quietly, "Oh my GOD, 180 POUNDS!" I don't know if it was poetic justice of some sort that when I stepped on the scale at age 26 that I had the same reaction when I was 180 pounds. I joined the gym, and that time the next year I had lost 47 pounds and running. I never ran anywhere in my life, late included, so it was a big deal.

Not big enough though. Things on the job front changed, personal life changed, I yo-yoed, and by New Year's Day this year, all of those 47 pounds found me, and they brought a few friends. I don't remember the last time I wore jeans. I have two pair of what I call "magic pants" because for some reason, they still fit even though nothing else I own does. At least it's summer, and my capris still fit, all both pair. I have a handfull of shirts that I can wear. My regular scrubs are too snug and I've resorted to wearing my comfy (translated: old and baggy) ones to work now. Unfortunately, those comfy ones are getting old, and I'm running out of options.

Our first assignment is to start a before page. I plan to do it, and not look at it again for a long time. I will be posting it here, to keep myself accountable. Call it my cyber version of the picture on the fridge. I've been going to the gym for over a month now. The pounds aren't coming off like they have in the past. I refuse to say it's because I'm over 30, because I think that has NOTHING to do with it. Jillian Michaels has a new book out that says it's hormones and anything not organic. I eat like either a rabbit or a refugee, I stay away from anything other than organic as much as I can, I don't drink soda, tea or coffee and get plenty of water a day, I do the best I can to get in my 5 to 9 fruits and veggies, I go to the gym four days a week (for a total of a minimum of 2 hours of cardio and 2 hours of weights). I don't get it. I'm hoping scrapping will help release whatever subconscious blocks I have because that's the only explaination I have.

Stay tuned for more details on this upcoming saga....

Have a good night, all both of you, and thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, found you at SIStv...that's my Ugly Scale Number, too...I got on it last month, lost 6 pounds, but gained them all back plus some when I got sick :( oh well, back on the merry-go-round! Good luck, and will you be at SIS Live?
