Sunday, June 7, 2009

I've finally done it. I've joined the world of blogging. Seriously, I'm not sure if anyone will ever see this, but at least I can say I have one now. I'm one of the cool people now. I can vent, scream, rant, rave, brag, or just ramble on and on and on.

It's a beautiful day here today. No rain, and the yard is in need of mowning. I don't have to do it because I don't have a mower. Mine is in the shop. I have lived in my house now for over eight years, and this was the first mower I actually bought. For those that know the history of Lynn versus The Lawn, a saga that is still going strong, mowing grass is quite the ordeal here on Wallingwood Drive. There is a distinct possibility that I wouldn't detest mowing so much if it wasn't such a *#$^@!* ordeal every-time-I-get-the-mower-OUT! At least I had a repreive last year due to the fact that I was living in sin. The boyfriend liked yardwork and claimed the turf as his own. I was willing. We parted ways in February, and that was a good thing for the both of us. Sadly, though, this meant that the yard was mine to conquer all over again.

Someday, when I have nothing exciting going on and I am bored to tears, I will tell the eight year epic of mowing for background purposes, but for now, just know that I was one step away from lawn care when it took 2 1/2 hours and 2 mowers to mow grass (down from four hours and two mowers the week before). Since the mower was only a few years old, actually one that I had bought rather than a leftover from the previous owner, or a hand-me-down freebie, I thought it best to try ONE MORE TIME, and have it fixed. I had thought in purchasing a 7 hP mower it could tackle anything. Evidently, driveway landscaping timbers are too much for it to handle and things tend to crack or shear or whatever.

Today, I entend to spend the day at leisure with Zeek, possibly scrapbook, maybe run the sweeper, and pass one more day before becoming independently wealthy.


  1. Alright chicky....start posting the pics!!!!

  2. Welcome to blogland! You will have fun here!

  3. Welcome to blogdome! Your first entry made me laugh!
