Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Busy weekend!

I had to go home for my family reunion this past weekend. It's always a good time, very amusing. The first year we started doing it again, about ten years ago, there were 83 of us. Twenty one of us out at the bar later. It dwindles every year, though. People get older, people slow down, people get laid off, and people pass away. My Grandma has 6 siblings, three brothers and three sisters. The girls are the only ones left. The brothers and a sister-in-law are watching from up above.

This is the first year that I looked around and wondered to myself how many would be there next year. Some of them are looking older, but then they should, they are older. I remember the first time I noticed that my parents were both gray. Not salt and pepper, not fading, but gray. I have the same streak of gray that my mom had since she was in the eight grade. Granted, it's hard to find, you have to know where to look, but it's there. Over time, I watched it spread. Then one day, it all was.

I made sure to visit with all the relatives that were in that I don't get to see but once a year, and the ones that I see quite a bit. It's hard to keep in mind that because you only see them once a year, time doesn't stand still. Tomorrow isn't always promised to us either, so take advantage of today while it's here.

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